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01/04/10: Buffalo Common Councilman calls for the end of BERC

North Buffalo Councilman Joseph Golombeck, Jr. says the Buffalo Economic Renaissance Corporation better known as “BERC” does not work. Nicki Mayo has details on a resolution to dissolve the program intended to help young entrepreneurs.


“This is not a Byron Brown problem. This is a Tony Masiello and a Jimmy Griffith problem,” said Buffalo Common Councilman Joseph Golombeck, Jr. “This is a problem that has been going on for 30 years,” the North District representative added.

Councilman Golombeck says the Buffalo Economic Renaissance Corporation better known as “BERC” does not work.

“The whole model for BERC does not create the number of jobs they believe it’s going to create,” said Golombeck. The councilman is pushing a resolution to dissolve the $4.7 million a year agency and its 25 employees.

This suggestion comes at a time when lawmakers are looking for ways to cut cost, raise funds and spur job growth. Councilman Golombeck says BERC has not proven to be a lucrative moneymaker for the city of Buffalo. The program targets young entrepreneurs on the rise the councilman says maybe it’s time to look for more established business partners.

“I met with Tim Godzich a couple of weeks ago, who came back to Buffalo after making millions,” Golombeck said. “He’s the type of person that I believe should be working with smaller businesses, or with business creation and retention,” added the councilman.

BERC highlights include funding several small businesses along Jefferson Street and revamping the Broadway Market.

“They were somewhat helpful with the Broadway Market,” said Council president and Filmore District Councilman David A. Franczyk. “The old board dissolved itself, so BERC was sort of a pass through,” added Councilman Franczyk.

BERC’s accomplishments are overshadowed by the recent FBI probe into failed Delaware Avenue restaurant One Sunset.

“They’ve screwed up the whole One Sunset situation,” said Franczyk.

“For what BERC does I was not terribly upset about One Sunset,” said Golombek. The North

Buffalo representative says he would have liked to have seen those funds go into the old Fortunado’s restaurant on Tonawanda Street or other businesses on Hertel Avenue.

Some Buffalonians feel a little out of town business could help the city…as long as that money stays in Buffalo.

“Give them money. Give them resources. Give them a tax break. Let that person prove themselves to grow,” said Buffalo’s Michael Johnson.

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