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04/06/09: Five WNY Counties Launch Underage Drinking Tip Line

Original YNN Buffalo Air Date: 04/06/09
Just in time for spring break, a five county partnership aims to put the breaks on underage drinking. Erie, Genesse, Orleans, Wyoming and Monroe sheriff’s offices launched an anonymous tip line 1-800-851-1932. The goal of the tip line is to dry-up the places that teens like to drink. This includes proms and house parties.
Erie County Sheriff Tim Howard has a message for parents to pass along to their children. “The warning to the parents is if you think it’s ok for your kids to drink at home, or have house parties at home, you’re sending them off to college away from your home where you can’t protect them as well with the message that it’s ok to drink,” said,” Sheriff Howard.
Area Mother’s Against Drunk Driving advocates say the tip line is an easy tool to help slow teen drinking. The governor’s traffic safety committee reports a steady decline in the number of underage driving while intoxicated cases since 2003. The latest statistics from 2006 show drunk drivers under 21 made up eight-percent of the arrests.
Under 21 DWI arrests to total
2003 – 11% of 375
2004 – 11% of 332
2005 – 9% of 300
2006 – 8% of 265
Source: Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
MADD advocates say it’s time parents reinforce the message that drinking is illegal if you’re under 21.
“We want parents to have a clear conversation with their kids that it’s not ok to drink if you’re under 21 and it’s not ok to drink and drive,” said Erie County MADD chapter’s Elizabeth Obad

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