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06/05/08: Political Analysis: Can Obama Carry the Commonwealth?

Political Analysis: Can Obama Carry the Commonwealth?
06/05/08 Tricities.com Interview

Senator Barack Obama’s Town Hall appearance in Southwest Virginia has many wondering can he win over the Appalachian area.
The traditionally predominately Republican region could be a stumbling block for the democratic nominee. This is an area where voters favored Senator Hillary Clinton over Obama just months ago. Now political pundits are left to ask, if Illinois senator has enough momentum to sway the democrats and borderline republicans.
Tricities.com reporter Nicki Mayo talks with Virginia Tech Professor Robert E. Denton, Jr., PhD. about Obama’s chances of carrying the Commonwealth. Dr. Denton is director of the Center for Leadership Development. He has also served as Political Analyist for WSLS-TV in Roanoke, VA since 1992.

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