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07/16/08: Kids Central Attracts Thousands to Fun Fest

Andrew Johnson Elementary School is ground zero for children looking to learn and enjoy Fun Fest 2008.
Monday organizers kicked off Kids Central inside and outside the Kingsport school.
A series of fun-shops are scheduled all weeklong at Kids Central. This includes gymnastics, science experiments with the National Weather Service, Sullivan County Imagination Library reading and learning and County Health Department Tobacco Free projects.
Fun Fest Communications Manager Emily Kilgore says the annual event typically draws 400 to 500 youths daily. This year organizers have seen record numbers.
Kilgore says 3,000 youngsters flocked to Kids Fest between Monday and Tuesday. That’s about 1,200 to 1,500 a day.
Wednesday approximately 500 youths clamored outside the school on Ormond Ave for Splash-Dance. Kingsport Fire Department revved up an engine and five fire hoses to shower children with water. A special area was designated small children to run through high powered sprinklers.

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