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07/22/09: WNY Hero Candidate Miriam Smith

Original YNN Buffalo Air Date: 07/22/09
VIEW VIDEO REPORT HERE or CLICK THI LINK http://www.timewarnercable.com/WNY/about/community/wnyheroes.html
Riding a horse can be tough, but so is living with a disability like cerebral palsy or down syndrome.
A Wilson woman is using horse therapy to treat people with physical and mental disabilities.
“I’ve been on a horse this fall like six years getting ready for the state Olympics,” said horse therapy day camper Darren Huntington.
Special Olympian Huntington is riding high thanks to the Equi*Star Horse Therapy program in Burt, NY.
“This is my chance to share the experiences I’ve had, the fun that I’ve had with other people that might not be able to do it on their own,” said Equi*Star founder Miriam Smith. She opens her stable to people with physical and mental disabilities across Western New York. Smith says she uses animal therapy to strengthen riders from the inside out.
“Children who are autistic don’t respond well to other humans, but they will respond to the horse,” Smith added.
Smith says working with horses is not just about riding and grooming but also about building strength and endurance. She says for every student that mounts a horse, they learn to build their confidence.
“When you’re confident in your horse you can become confident in other people,” said day camper Erin Deering. The 16-year old lives with cerebral palsy. Deering says horseback riding has improved her ability to stand and walk.
“You have to sit up straighter on a horse. It helps me sit up straighter whether I’m in school or in my wheelchair,” Deering added.
“It was very exciting to see a child who had no strength in their spine after a few times they become stronger. They were able to sit up straighter or more flexible,” said Smith.
“Miriam is just an amazing person, she has so many skills and to develop a program like this from scratch is not easy,” said volunteer Kate Meyers.
Smith founded the Equi*Star program back in 1994 with one horse and four riders. Today she has 13 horses and more than 80 riders a week. The day campers ages range from three to 85-years old. More than 100 volunteers lend a hand at the ranch.
“We can all benefit by giving of ourselves because that’s what she does every single day,” added Meyers.
sot: erin deering/ horse therapy day camper
“It’s just awesome to be out here and get to do what I like to do which is riding horses,” Deering added with a smile.
Smith says it’s that joy that motivates her every day to help others.
“We’re still doing it 15 years later,” smiled Smith guiding a horse back into the stable.
Equi*Star Therapeutic Riding Center
2199 Fuller Rd., Burt, NY

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