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08/16/09 Seven Niagara County Air Force National Guard Troops Back From Iraq

Original YNN Buffalo Air Date: 08/16/09
Air Force National Guard troops received a hero’s welcome as they landed at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport. The seven Niagara County Air Force national guardsmen returned to the airport Sunday afternoon. They’re part of the 107th Security Forces Squadron. Patriots of the guard supporters displayed American flags while families embraced the returned troops.
“It was a long way away. We had six months away and it feels good to be home,” said Master Sgt. Rob Farina from Rochester.
“They’ve been there for over six months and we’re always happy whenever anyone comes back safe and sound,” added Chief Master Sgt. Paul Wiencek.
“It’s overwhelming, but this is nice. You don’t expect it. You just want to get back to your family. But this is nice. It’s good to feel like you’re done the right thing,” said a smiling Capt. Kevin Smith from Niagara Falls.
As the seven airmen try to get back to normalcy, they are reminded that of their fellow Western New Yorkers still in Iraq. There’s another group of airmen headed home in early September.

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