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08/31/09: BACK TO SCHOOL: South Park HS Alumna Returns as New Principal

Original YNN Buffalo Air Date: 08/31/09
Back to school takes on a whole new meaning for a Buffalo Public School grad who is returning to her alma mater as the principal.
“Terri was the type of person who had friends from every social circle,” chuckles Peggy Hannon of South Buffalo. Hannon remembers running the halls of South Park High School with Theresa Drilling, who now goes by Principal Terri Schuta.
The 1978 graduate loved her alma mater so much, she had to come back and run it.
“She was friends with the cheerleaders, friends with the jocks, friends with the quiet kids, friends with the band kids, friends with the tech kids,” added Hannon. Schuta was also classmates with U.S. Congressman Brian Higgins too. But Schuta says she always wanted to put the “pal” in principal.
“The best role I believe as an educator is being a building principal I think that’s where you have the most contact with families and kids and you really can make a difference,” said Schuta
She has made a difference on the Buffalo educational scene. Schuta served as principal at her other Buffalo alma mater Southside Elementary School. A school which has just made it off the national watch list. Today a picture of the principal who ran South Park when Schuta was a student now watches over her office.
“I wanted a picture of Mr. Matimore and myself for my office,” smiled Schuta.
Schuta has a newly renovated high school to make a difference. South Park High School has undergone a renovation for the past two years, but Schuta says it’s more of a “restoration renovation.” She says elements of the building come from the original structure representing the past. The new renovated areas such as four computer clusters, a state of the art gymnasium and new science labs represent where South Park is headed in the future.
“I look at the significance of me returning during the rebirth of South Park High School. It’s such an honor for me to come back to this school, not only for the new building, but for the impact that it had on my life,” added Schuta.
“You know being alumni we both love this school. Spent the best years of our lives here and I don’t think there’s’ anyone else that can bring it back to that. Except Terri!” smiled Peggy Hannon.

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