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09/05/09: BACK TO SCHOOL: State Sen. Thompson School Supply Give Away Aides 700

Original YNN Buffalo Air Date: 09/05/09
“I was one of the last ones to get a bag,” said Buffalo’s Monique McIntosh outside a free school supplies give away on Court Street Downtown. McIntosh carried one bag filled with free school supplies. That’s enough for one of her three children. McIntosh was among 700 plus people who turned up for State Senator Antoine Thompson’s “School Supply Give-Away” in Tonawanda, Niagara Falls and Buffalo.
“This is all about promoting literacy and education and helping families, working families. Families that need a little help,” said State Sen. Thompson
It’s the eighth year for the event which hands out more than $3,500 worth of school supplies. They’re giving out everything from free books, book bags, binders, loose leaf paper, pens and pencils to families in need. But McIntosh says you had show to show up early.
“I got out here at 10 and it started at 10. But common sense is when you hear the word ‘free’ you had to get here an hour early,” laughed McIntosh.
After just one hour into the give-away many people who showed up in Downtown Buffalo were turned away. Thompson’s office handed out 500 back to school kits in Buffalo, 200 in Niagara Falls and about 50 in Tonawanda. The State Senators says every year the demand for supplies continues to grow far beyond their expectations.
“We’ll try to make some adjustments. But you never know how many people are going to show up. You kind of guess. Buffalo we had more than 500 people show up,” explained Thompson considering increasing the supply for next years give-away.
The school give-away comes at a time when the statewide school supply welfare vouchers are coming under scrutiny.
“When you hand out $200 per child, cash to a family with no strings attached and no requirements for spending are we surprised that people are out there buying flat screen TVs, Ipods, X-boxes,” said Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks.
Buffalo’s Colston family says books, not electronics, are at the top of their kids’ school supply list. They missed out on the buffalo give-away so they made sure they were early for the Tonawanda event.
“We spend about $150 per child throughout the school year. So maybe around $700 a year for all six,” said Talisha Colston
“With this recession going on this is a great help. Even one bag is a great help. Any little bit counts,” added McIntosh.

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