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09/16/08: Wall Street To Main Street Tri-Cities: Cooling the Market Meltdown

The upset on New York’s Wall Street is being felt on Main Streets across the Tri-Cities.
Area investors are keeping an eye on the market Tuesday morning to see if they can earn back what they lost Monday.
Economists are calling it the worst day on Wall Street in seven years.
The Associated Press reports the Dow Jones industrial average lost more than 500 points. That’s more than four percent. This is Wall Street’s steepest point drop since the day the stock market reopened after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
The economic downturn is wreaking havoc on personal portfolios. The AP reports approximately $700 billion evaporated from retirement plans, government pension funds and other investment portfolios.
Local financial experts say now is not the time to panic and rush to sell shares.
When the market is in such a mess, experts say stocks are a bargain. If you have the funds to spare, this can be a safe time to buy shares to store away for a rainy day.
Your Tri-Cities News Source has market safety tips to help you weather the market meltdown. ###

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