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10/11/09: Lockport Woman Adopts Car Dragging Survivor Dog

Walker the dog who was dragged behind a car in Lockport officially has a new home and place to do what he does best…walking.
“He is a rocket. He wants to play morning, noon and night. I can’t keep up with him,” said convenience store manager Linda Tilton. The Lockport woman rescued Walker after the tiny pup was left in parking lot. She officially adopted the black and white puppy this weekend.
Tilton said it’s almost hard to believe this is the same dog that was dragged behind a car two months ago in Lockport. The pup’s fur and skin was ripped from his bones.
“He flip flopped a lot. His groin area was all burned. His whole thigh was burned off. This all grew back,” said Tilton pointing to the pup’s extensive injuries. The new adoptive owner said Walker was unable to live up to his new name.
“When I first got him he could’t walk. His paws were that bad. They thought they would have to remove two of them,” Tilton added.
She rushed Walker to an Amherst animal clinic where the tiny pup underwent four hours of emergency surgery.
”It starts here and runs all the way down his leg to this paw,” said Tilton pointing out Walker’s surgical scars across his body. He endured more than 600 stitches. Niagara County Sheriffs Office has made no arrests in this case. Investigators say they are looking out-of-town for the suspects believed to have dragged the puppy down the road August eighth. For now, Walker’s new family said they are more excited about keeping the cocker spaniel on the road to recovery.
“I’m certainly very happy to have him here. I’m glad that he’s healthy and it was certainly worth the effort,” smiled Walker.

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