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10/17/08: Tri-Cities ‘Sound-Off’ On Presidential Campaigns Online

The debates are over and the presidential nominees are hot on the campaign trail.
The third and final debate wrapped up Wednesday night in New York, but the debate continues on-line on Tricities.com in the ‘Election Central’ section.
Many of you across the tri-cities are voicing your opinions on the election online.
Senators John McCain and Barack Obama took the stage at Hofstra University and tackled everything from health care reform to taxes.
Since the debate we’ve heard a lot about broken campaign promises, negative campaigning and ‘Joe the Plumber.’ But we wanted to hear from you on-line.
“As for John McCain, someone needs to tell him that there are MANY more of us out here than Joe. Women of America don’t need another angry old man who doesn’t have a clue.”
– Spikey (Posted Oct 16)
“You can’t blame the Bush administration for everything within the last 8 years. The Democrats are the ones who have controlled Congress for the last 2 years and that’s when the biggest part of this mess started!!”
– Phantom (Posted Oct. 16)
We still want to hear from you. ###

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