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11/17/09: Board Dispute Temporarily Costs C.R.U.C.I.A.L. Inc. City Funding

“I, 2, 3, 4, 5…”
A little girl slides rings across an abacus at the Coalition for the Redevelopment of United Community Involvement and Leadership, Incorporated or “C.R.U.C.I.A.L. Incorporated” building at 230 Moselle Street.
The tiny mathematician is one of hundreds of students in C.R.U.C.I.A.L.’s afterschool program. Here they get help learning to count and work together to solve problems… but who’s helping the adults?
Several of C.R.U.C.I.A.L.’s board members are turning to the Buffalo Common Council to settle and internal power struggle that has temporarily cost the non-profit it’s city funding.
“There has to be a clear board in place to execute the contract. Until that happens you can’t execute a contract,” said Buffalo Masten District Common Councilman Demone Smith.
“I gave them the slate. They refuse to put their name on the board. All they did was tried to disrupt the meeting,” said C.R.U.C.I.A.L. Board President Darnell Jackson Sr.
Jackson says four of the 13 board members are dividing the group. He says the four they haven’t stepped foot in the center in five weeks and many are crying foul over the last board elections.
“Every Saturday when we close, they come up there cutting the locks off the gates. Going into the building because they still have keys from the previous administration,” added Jackson.
The Fillmore District community center offers youth recreation, after-school care and senior services 300 to 500 people a month. Community Services officials say until the old and new boards work out their differences the city is cutting crucial funding.
“This is not a fight between the C.R.U.C.I.A.L. center and the City of Buffalo. This is an internal battle in term of governance,” explained Buffalo Community Services Commissioner Tanya Perrin- Johnson.
Perrin- Johnson says her office will restore C.R.U.C.I.A.L.’s $77,000 funding when they establish one board.
“I think the passion and the emotion is running so high at this particular point that may not be a possibility,” Perrin- Johnson added. She says her office is ready to work with the community center, but there are specific guidelines C.R.U.C.I.A.L must meet. The split board is causing the community center money and services.
“She [Perrin- Johnson] didn’t inform us of the funding being cut. Didn’t give us a decision why the funding was being cut. Just all of the sudden last week out staff members didn’t get their checks,” said Jackson.
As the boards battle it out, the Fillmore Distinct will cover the program’s financial needs, but warn this is temporary fix and the center needs to work to get their city funding back.
“I can’t get that money to them unless you work through the channels of the administration. I would like to see that happen,” said Common Council President and Fillmore District president David A. Franczyk.
“It’s the poorest center in the poorest neighborhood and it needs to remain open,” Jackson.
READ Buffalo News Article: C.R.U.C.I.A.L.’s funds cut off in leadership flap

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