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11/28/09: Black Friday Down, on to Cyber Monday



“Shopping online is more convenient. You don’t have to go through all the crowds,” said Jessc Christopher holding her rambunctious toddler at the Stereo Advantage store. The Kenmore’s wife and mother of two says her 3½ year old takes up a lot of her time so she prefers to shop online.
PriceGrabber.com surveyed holiday shoppers and found 2/3rds plan to bargain hunt online November 30th, better known as “Cyber Monday.”
“They give you free shipping, the more you purchase. It’s just an easier way to do it,” added Christopher.
Free shipping and one day sales are just a few of the perks retailers are offering online holiday shoppers. The National Retail Federation survey reports 87% of retailers are planning Cyber Monday promotions. The same survey also shows 54% of employees are planning to shop on the company clock. It’s mostly men and people 18 to 24 years old.
“Black Friday’s been very busy as you can see we’re running a lot of specials on HD-TVs,” said Stereo Advantage CEO Al Walters.
Stereo Advantage in Williamsville workers say shopper traffic has been heavy all weekend, but they are ready for the online influx.
“We expect to see a lot of sales on small devices like digital cameras camcorders and blue ray players will be very big also,” Walters added. Digital Cameras are one of the most popular items bought online since buyers tend to know what features they are looking for; but many shoppers say they feel more confident heading to the store for big ticket items like computers and flat screen tvs.
“I think people want to see the TV, more than a product that they can identify from the specifications. Picking zooms and megapixels is easier than picking picture quality,” said Walters.
“I’d like to see it in front of me so that I can get the affect of the color TV,” Jessc Christopher added.

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