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11/22/09: Buffalo Churches Increase Security Following Four Church Thefts



Area churches are taking extra precautions to curb thefts in the wake of four church larcenies around Buffalo.
“We lift our hands…” sings the worship and praise team at Dayspring Church of God of Prosperity. The gospel music fills the sanctuary as parishioners celebrate Sunday service with few worries of church thefts. Ushers posted throughout the sanctuary watch over parishioners valuables as they head to the alter.
“Things that we do as a protection is done very discreetly,” said the church’s First Lady Harriet Richey. She leads worship and praise while keeping a watchful eye over her valuables.
“I try to be very discrete and take my purse and making sure I have an eye on it at all times,” she added.
“When I first got married, my wife had her beautiful white bible—her bridal bible stolen,” said Deacon Henry Curtis.
“We’re living in an economy now where people are beginning to loose their jobs and sometimes when people have needs in their lives they tend to do things out of the norm,” said Bishop Marion Richey.
Out of the norm… like stealing from a church.
Buffalo Police are warning churchgoers to watch their purses, wallets and valuables following a string of larcenies at four churches: Saint Louis Catholic, Saint Mark, Saint George’s and Westminster Presbyterian. The rash of church thefts and search for suspects have area congregations on edge. Still they say no one is a stranger in God’s house.
“You make them feel like they are welcome but in the meantime, in these times we’re living in. We must be watchful,” added Bishop Marion Richey.
Parishioners at the Church of God of Prophecy say they never want to turn anyone away from the house of worship on Bailey Avenue, but they say they want everyone inside to feel safe. The church’s usher board plays a major role in this.
“We continuously do rounds around the church. We check on the children to make sure no one is loitering in the wrong places. If we can assist them we’ll get them to the right direction,” said Usher Team Member Shirley Nichols.
“The sadness is it takes your focus off the worship. It takes your focus off the Lord. And that’s what you don’t want to happen,” added Deacon Henry Curtis.

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