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09/28/09: Erie County Scouts Possible H1N1 School Wide Flu Clinics

Heightened H1N1 concerns have the Erie County Health Department looking for possible school immunization sites. Officials are trying to pinpoint mass vaccination locations for county students, teachers and staff.
Pediatrician Doctor Steven Lana sees firsthand the need for flu vaccinations across Erie County. The Buffalo Public Schools Medical Director urges parents to get their children vaccinated against the seasonal flu and H1N1.
H1N1 complications claimed the lives of BPS students Matthew Davis and Maya Harden back in May 2009.
07/02/09: Buffalo Mothers of Fatal H1N1 Victims Find Strength for Life After Children’s Deaths
06/28/09: Buffalo Girl Maya Harden Second H1N1 Fatality
“If there’s any potential silver lining to such a dark cloud as that, it‘s hopefully to encourage people to get immunized because this is a preventable disease,” said Dr. Lana referencing the two fatal incidents.
The Erie County Health department is working to prevent additional H1N1 related fatalities.
“The reality of it is every school district in the county is working with us,” said Erie County Health Commissioner Dr. Anthony Billitier, MD.
Erie County has 29 school districts. Health officials are looking to offer mass vaccinations for students, teachers and staff.
“We’ve had meetings with all the school districts and met with emergency managers from every town, city and village and we’ve asked them to establish the locations where we can come and immunize people,” added Dr. Billitier. He says the possible school clinics are a secondary approach to combating the spread of H1N1. Erie County Health officials say people’s first line of defense should be seeking the vaccination from their primary care physician.
“However the initial doses will be small. And then we expect periodic shipments after that,” said Dr. Billitier.
Erie County expects to receive the H1N1 vaccine in a few weeks. But supplies will be limited and high risk groups will have top priority. So far there is no date set for the possible school wide health clinics.
“The Buffalo Public School System will act as a safety net. We will offer the vaccine free of charge at the different locations YET to be determined,” said Dr. Lana.
“Now I can’t tell you a time frame because I don’t know how this is going to happen. And in fact this is going to be a very fluid thing. We’re going to have to remain very flexible,” said Dr. Billitier.