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06/30/09: Lockport Goes Yahoo! Over Data Processing Center

Original YNN Buffalo Air Date: 06/30/09
Lockport leaders are excited about Yahoo!’s move to Western New York .Its a move that’s bringing a social and economic boost to Niagara County.
“I think everyone is so excited about the opportunity to have Yahoo! here. This is a big big deal for the area,” said Deanna Alterio Brennen with the Niagara USA Chamber.
Chamber leaders can’t wait to see a Yahoo! data center break ground in Lockport.
The internet giant will bring 125 jobs to the empire state, 75 of which will be in Lockport. Chamber officials say the Yahoo! growth couldn’t have come at a better time.
“We’ve been in a very difficult time this year. The economy obviously has not been doing very well and we’ve been seeing a slowdown here,” added Alterio Brennen.
At a time when the fate of the auto industry is shifting into neutral Lockport leaders say it’s time to revv up Western New York’s presence in the internet community.
“We still support our partners there in Delphi, but we realize the world is changing and it’s really exciting to have a company like Yahoo! which is internationally based coming to Western New York,” said Lockport Town Supervisor Mark Smith.
Yahoo!’s move to Lockport is expected to have an economic impact across Niagara County. Area business experts say the new jobs will attract more industry and families from Niagara Falls to Lockport.
“Now that they’re coming there’s probably going to be more businesses in the tech industry that are going to be coming her as well, we hope! We want to attract them too,” said Alterio Brennen.
“They just seem to be a New York kind of company. They are really involved in the community,” added Smith.
A community that is already on the rise. Smith says there are currently 370 houses waiting for construction approval in Lockport. Just another sign of growth on the yahoo! horizon.
“The secret’s getting out and I suspect all of Western New York will see some benefit from this,” Smith added.

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