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08/14/08: Happy Valley HS Offers Hair-Help to Cancer Patients

Before they head back to class, more than a dozen Carter County students, faculty and staffers want to offer the hair off their heads to help women living with cancer.
Some Happy Valley High School teachers and students are using their hair to help women fighting cancer. The high school personnel plan to donate their hair to make wigs for cancer patients. It’s part of the Pantene Beautiful lengths project.
Last year, the HVHS community was hit hard with several cancer diagnoses on campus. Several administrators, including Principal Terry Hubbard are battling cancer.
“Vanity means a lot to a teenager, so these students willingly giving their hair in my honor is just great. I can’t express how I feel about that,” said Principal Hubbard.
Happy Valley Principal and breast cancer survivor Terry Hubbard says she is humbled by the hair-raising support.
“I have tried to stay so positive which is hard to do when you’ve been diagnosed with cancer.” Hubbard says her home and school family has helped her stay upbeat in these trying times.
Hubbard has two boxes of cards from her students who she says continuously welcome her back after countless chemotherapy treatments.
Happy Valley HS guidance counselors say the hair donation is a way to help students support the administrators and other women battling cancer.
“Last year was a hard year because so many people went through the diagnosis so we wanted to do something positive,” said guidance counselor Jennifer Ellis. She organized the local Beautiful Lengths project for the school.
“It’s really hard and difficult to see one of the strongest women role models in your life go through something like this. So I just hope that maybe this hair will be an inspiration,” said student Sydney Hughes.
Hughes has watched her mother battle cancer. She was diagnosed back in October at stage three.
“She has one more treatment and she’s really a trooper,” said Hughes. Sydney sees these haircuts as a personal gift.
“It’s not even the hair, but it’s the though that someone would give of themselves to these people who are having a really hard time fighting for their lives,” said Hughes.
Students have already started donating their ponytails for the Beautiful Lengths project.
“Short haircuts are in style if you’re worried about your image, and it will grow back,” added Hughes.
There’s a big hair cut party Thursday at 3:30 at the Carnegie Hotel in Johnson City on State of Franklin.
There the hair donors will get a professional cut and style at the Austin Springs Spa.
The hair cuts and donations are not just for Happy Valley High School volunteers. Your Tri-Cities News Source called the Austin Springs Spa. Organizers say they will also offer free cuts at the hair cut party to anyone looking to also donate to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program. This is a $35 value. Volunteers’ hair must be clean and willing to donate at least eight inches to make wigs for cancer patients.
Cancer Hair Cut Party Thursday Aug. 14, 2007 Austin Springs Spa Carnegie Hotel 1216 W State of Franklin Rd Johnson City, TN 423-979-6400‎ Keyword: “Hair Help”

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